- Display the profile information: Profile Picture, Name, Title, Phone Number,
Areas, Lines and Employee Code.
Cycle Planning
- Drag and Drop Physicians to the agenda.
- Filter the Physicians by Class, Type, Category.
- Navigate into the Cycles and weeks in each cycle.
- The visit can be changed as long as it’s not submitted yet.
My Calls for Today
- Display the agenda of today contains all the calls of today according to the Cycle
Panning and the actual calls done.
Add Call
Physician Info
-name, category, address, type & specialty
Call Info
-data, time, duration, type, status, category, comment, images & feedback
Products info
-features, benefits & feedback
-samples are recorded with the count.
- Display my physician with my coverage for each one of them.
Add Physicians
- Add a new Physician
- Name, Area, Class, Category, Address, Comment, … etc
Show Physician on Map
- Display the physicians on map with the option to open the navigator.
- Filter physicians on the map by area, class, category, type
- Also show the near physicians of my current location.
- Coverage for each Cycle per Physician types (AM, PM)
- In the KPIs it’s the actual visits vs. the planned visits.
- Navigate to coverage per class or per physician.
Add Physician Request
- Select the Physician.
- Select the product, the request type.
- Record the cost, place, date (if available)
- Record the activity and the objective of this request.
Physician’s Requests History
- Select a certain cycle and physician
- Show the requests of this physician with the status and date of each request
- The products of the medical rep.
Product Details
- The details of a certain product, it contains:
The Product Name, Brand, Price, Forms, Active Ingredient, Features, Benefits,
Competitor Products
- Select a product vs. competitor product and the comparison will appear.
Competitor News
- Select a cycle and a product, then all the competitor news will appear
Place Order
- Select the Physician.
- Drag and Drop the products
- Record the quantity of each product
- Record the comment
News & Feeds
- This is the news board, where all the medicals see the news.
Post News
- Break the ice and make it more fun within the medicals family.
- Submit What’s up in your mind.
Change Password
- allow u to change your password
- per product or per line or per area
-illustrated by charts
Visit List Report
- Display the details of medical reps. visits.
Coverage Frequent Per User Report
- Display data analysis for medical rep. list and coverage.
Comparative Coverage Frequent Report
- Compare between visits of AM, PM, PH, hospitals, private clinics and pharmacies.
Medical Reps Dashboard
- Display for medical reps analysis about specialty, class, KPIs and much more.
Order List
- Display all orders in details.