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    Welcome to LiveREP


It’s a Calls Management System, a software solution to manage the medical representative calls, products,coverage and requests in simple reports.

How we found this idea ?

We studied the market very well asking the top managers and medical representatives about their feedback in the already existent systems and their aspirations.

We found a big gap between medical representatives and their companies, and we aim to fill this gap with our service and so LiveRep created by SBS team work.



LiveRep makes reports about the medical representative visits, calls, coverage and requests.

LiveRep is so smart service with continuous update and great support.

LiveRep is reachable anywhere, anytime.

Realtime & accurate information

Decrease time consumed

Track the coverage

Clear vision about the market share

Accurate analysis for product line

Know history of orders & requests

LiveRep main screen

Quick & cheap communication

Successfully manage big teams

Analysis customers feedback

Know more about competitors

Great support 24/7

With you anywhere and anytime


LiveRep is a reliable system for our customers to utilise in their success story.

Exceeding our customer satisfaction is our target.


See what’s included in the App

LiveRep profile screen


- Display the profile information: Profile Picture, Name, Title, Phone Number, Areas, Lines and Employee Code.

LiveRep Cycle Planning screen

Cycle Planning

- Drag and Drop Physicians to the agenda.
- Filter the Physicians by Class, Type, Category.
- Navigate into the Cycles and weeks in each cycle.
- The visit can be changed as long as it’s not submitted yet.

LiveRep  My Calls for Today screen

My Calls for Today

- Display the agenda of today contains all the calls of today according to the Cycle Panning and the actual calls done.

LiveRep Add Call screen

Add Call

Physician Info

-name, category, address, type & specialty

Call Info

-data, time, duration, type, status, category, comment, images & feedback

Products info

-features, benefits & feedback


-samples are recorded with the count.

LiveRep Physicians screen


- Display my physician with my coverage for each one of them.

LiveRep Add Physicians screen

Add Physicians

- Add a new Physician
- Name, Area, Class, Category, Address, Comment, … etc

LiveRep Show Physician on Map screen

Show Physician on Map

- Display the physicians on map with the option to open the navigator.
- Filter physicians on the map by area, class, category, type
- Also show the near physicians of my current location.

LiveRep Coverage screen


- Coverage for each Cycle per Physician types (AM, PM)
- In the KPIs it’s the actual visits vs. the planned visits.
- Navigate to coverage per class or per physician.

LiveRep Add Physician Request screen

Add Physician Request

- Select the Physician.
- Select the product, the request type.
- Record the cost, place, date (if available)
- Record the activity and the objective of this request.

LiveRep Physician’s Requests History screen

Physician’s Requests History

- Select a certain cycle and physician
- Show the requests of this physician with the status and date of each request

LiveRep Products screen


- The products of the medical rep.

LiveRep Product Details screen

Product Details

- The details of a certain product, it contains:
The Product Name, Brand, Price, Forms, Active Ingredient, Features, Benefits, Pictures.

LiveRep Competitor Products screen

Competitor Products

- Select a product vs. competitor product and the comparison will appear.

LiveRep Competitor News screen

Competitor News

- Select a cycle and a product, then all the competitor news will appear

LiveRep Place Order screen

Place Order

- Select the Physician.
- Drag and Drop the products
- Record the quantity of each product
- Record the comment

LiveRep News & Feeds screen

News & Feeds

- This is the news board, where all the medicals see the news.

LiveRep Post News screen

Post News

- Break the ice and make it more fun within the medicals family.
- Submit What’s up in your mind.

LiveRep Change Password screen

Change Password

- allow u to change your password

LiveRep Target screen


- per product or per line or per area
-illustrated by charts

LiveRep Physicians screen

Visit List Report

- Display the details of medical reps. visits.

LiveRep Physicians screen

Coverage Frequent Per User Report

- Display data analysis for medical rep. list and coverage.

LiveRep Physicians screen

Comparative Coverage Frequent Report

- Compare between visits of AM, PM, PH, hospitals, private clinics and pharmacies.

LiveRep Physicians screen

Medical Reps Dashboard

- Display for medical reps analysis about specialty, class, KPIs and much more.

LiveRep Physicians screen

Order List

- Display all orders in details.

Contact Us

For more info and support, contact SBS the owner of liveRep!

'So Simple So Smart' ​is our vision​, we believe that smartest solution should be simple and Smart.
we are willing to solve complex problems using simple brilliant software solutions.
we provide software solutions for your business to make it simpler, more effective and more​ ​profitable.